Friday, October 15, 2021

Activity 2- BLOG: Moral Values of the Short Story "Sinigang"


Activity 2: BLOG Week7, Module5, Lesson 1

"Moral Values and Impact of the Short Story SINIGANG"

 by: Marie Aubrey Villaceran

         In our life, we face different problems, and a lot of unexpected things happens. In these past experiences, we can learn and know more about life. It opens our eyes to see things clearly from different angles, which helps us to grow into a better person in the future. The short story created by Marie Aubrey Villaceran gave me a lot of moral value, in life, in a family, and as a person. 

        The first moral value that I learned about is that “Everyone makes mistakes,” as human beings, we are not born perfect we have different flaws, and we make bad decisions in life. Despite these imperfections, we should learn how to reflect on our past mistakes or decisions in life. Remember, it is never too late to change or to make the right decisions. If we want to change, we can if we are willing enough to rebuild or fix the problems that we created. 

        The second moral value that I learned about is that “we should learn how to accept things as they are” we can never go back in the past to change the things that we regret in the present. So all that we can do is to finally accept those things and live in the present. Just like in the saying “Past is Past” we all should learn how to let go of the things that are stopping us from living our lives free of guilt, anger, etc. 

        The third moral value I learned from the story is that "we should learn self-control”. Just like in the story sinigang where Liza is facing someone that she’s not on good terms with but, she held herself together and acted right according to the situation. We will face difficulties like problems and bad situations in life. But, we should still behave and think right. As a student or a person, we should be mindful of our actions. Even if we are in a situation we can't handle we should still remember to respect and don't act recklessly. 

        he fourth moral value that I learned is that “forgiving and forgetting is a process,” some people find it hard to forgive. But they never forget while other people choose to do both. As for the short story Sinigang, it doesn’t show if Liza finally forgives her father, but in the end, it includes her imagining the old times where her family is still complete and happy eating together. I think that this part depicts that Liza is slowly forgiving her father. For me, we all should learn how to forgive. Even though forgiving takes time the freedom that it gives to our heart and mind is worth it. Forgiving is like freeing ourselves from the past. We all go through different healing processes and stages we only need to go to the flow, and you’ll just know if you’re ready to forgive.  

        The fifth moral value that I learned is that “honesty, love, and faithfulness is important in any relationship” we all should learn how to be contented, and appreciate the things that we have, especially in any relationship. Trust is hard to gain that's why we should never break them, or else you have to rebuild it again or lose it completely. 

        The sixth and last moral value that I learned is that “in a family, it is important to create a good environment for our children” because a family has a great impact on a child’s life. The family is the one that helps their child grow, so if a child is just like Liza grows into a broken, family it will lead to a big gap between the parent and the child. As the time goes by, the gap becomes bigger until the parent and the child are just like a stranger to each other. A parent and a child’s relationship are important, especially to the children, because they need guidance and a parent who will support them and give them the unconditional love that they deserve. 

        All in all, the short story has a lot of moral values to share with its readers. As a 21st student, I can use these moral values, which I learned to be better and know more about life because I believe that every experience is a lesson that we can use as a stepping stone in achieving a bright future equipped with the right values and knowledge that we can further enhance and use in facing the problems and life challenges that might come into us. As students, we are still young, and we still have a lot of mountains to climb. So, through these moral values that we get from the short story sinigang. We can these as a guide on what to do or how to handle specific problems such as forgiving, understanding, accepting, etc.  

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